People watch the joint broadcast 丨 cross -city chasing drama becomes fashion

This summer, I do n’t know where to play, you can try “to go to a city for a performance”. Hebei News Network continues to pay attention to stimulating new vitality of cultural tourism. In Hebei, a wonderful performance continues to perform.More tourists will cultivate a new cultural tourism experience of “cross -city drama” on weekends in the audience.
If you want to feel traditional Chinese culture and modern art, come to Langfang “Only Red Mansion Dream · Drama Phantom City” theater. This is a fantastic drama theme park. The drama performance of 365 days a year is uninterrupted and ingenious.The immersive drama performance allows people to feel the cultural atmosphere that comes up close.
If you want to provide a rich cultural experience for audiences of different ages and interests, come to Shijiazhuang Grand Theater. From June to August, there are the highest -level art of Chinese performances. The Chinese National Theater will perform six 17 wonderful repertoires here.EssenceThere are also five major sections of dance dramas, opera, talk shows, children’s dramas and concerts, allowing more audiences to enjoy high -quality art performances and start this cultural feast together!
If you want to feel the mixing and matching romance of the drama and the waves, come to the Qinhuangdao Anya. From June 20th to 30th, there are 34 directors from 18 countries around the world, and 29 domestic and foreign dramas have presented 121 performances.The global drama vision will also bring the audience, from South America to the Arctic circle, from human history to modern literature, and experience the broad world of world drama art.
There are Handan, Baoding, Chengde … All places are cultivating new formats through “performing arts+tourism”, so that more and more people have patronized a city, fall in love with a city, and continue to enrich.Beauty, weekend to Hebei “cultural connotation.

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