[New version of health literacy 66 health knowledge learning] First article

(Source: Fuxian Disease Control Center)

1. Health is not just no disease or weakness, but a good state of physical, psychological and social adaptation.Prevention is the most effective and economical means to promote health.

The definition proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) reminds us: health not only refers to the body, psychological, and social adaptation in a good state.

Physical health manifests as strong physical fitness and good organs.

Psychological health refers to a good psychological state, manifested as a proper understanding, evaluating the people and things around them, there is a harmonious interpersonal relationship, emotional stability, a purpose of behavior, not indulgence, and can cope with the pressure in life in life.Being able to study, work and live normally, contribute to family and society.

Social adaptation refers to the balance and coordination of individuals and environment, society and interpersonal communication through self -regulation.Individuals should actively respond to environmental changes, actively adapt to the changing natural and social environment, and build a harmonious interpersonal relationship.

“Prevention” is the traditional health care concept of the Chinese nation, and it is the health and health work policy that my country has always adhered to.At present, my country is facing a double threat of major infectious diseases and a variety of chronic diseases.New hair infectious diseases and re -infectious disease prevention and control situation is still severe.The disease rate of chronic patients is high, and the deaths caused by chronic diseases account for 88.5%of the causes of all deaths, becoming a major public health problem that affects the economic and social development of the country.Whether it is infectious or chronic diseases, it is mainly related to personal hygiene habits and lifestyle.A large number of practices at home and abroad have proven that it is the first choice and measures for preventing prevention and developing civilized and healthy lifestyles. It is the first choice strategy and measures for preventing infectious diseases and chronic diseases. It is the most effective and economic means to promote health.

Supply: Editor of Slow Diseases: Wu Yanli


Fuxian disease control

Guard health

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